Adress, Opening Hours & Contact
Postal address
Opening hours
Office hours:
Monday to Thursday from 9:00h to 16:00h
Friday from 9:00h to 12:00h
Opening hours:
Appointment only (including collection of passports).
Appointments for the application for visa or passport / ID-card applications can be made at
You will find further information on the website.
Appointments for other services can be made via e-mail, as well as requests for urgent appointments in all matters.
The visa application desk in the British Compound in North Nicosia:
Address: Mehmet Akif Cad. 29, Lefkoşa-Köşklüçiftlik
Telefon: 0090-392-227 5161
Opening hours (appointment only):
Monday: closed
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 09:00-14:00 h
Friday: 13:00-14:00h (only passport collection)
Consular consultation: on appointment via e-mail
Emergency number outside opening hours
Official language in the host country: English, Greek, (Turkish)
Note: Higher charges may apply when contacting the Embassy via satellite (Satcom) phone or fax.
Note on barrier-free access
The Embassy will be closed on the following holidays:
01 January - New Year
08 March - International Women´s Day
18 March - Good Friday
21 April - Easter Monday
01 May - Labour Day
08 May - 80th anniversary of the liberation from Nazism and the end of the Second World War in Europe
29 May - Ascension Day
09 June - Whit Monday
15 August - Assumption Day
01 October - National Day of Cyprus
03 October - Day of German Unity (National Day)
24 December - Christmas Eve
25 December - Christmas Day
26 December - Boxing Day
31 December - New Year's Eve
Visa application desk at the British Compound in North Nicosia will be closed on the following Holidays:
01 January - New Year
08 March - International Women´s Day
29 March - Good Friday
30 March - Ramazan Bayram
21 April - Easter Monday
01 May - Labour Day
08 May - 80th anniversary of the liberation from Nazism and the end of the Second World War in Europe
29 May - Ascension Day
06 Juni - Kurban Bayram
09 June - Whit Monday
15 August - Assumption Day
03 October - Day of German Unity (National Day)
24 December - Christmas Eve
25 December - Christmas Day
26 December - Boxing Day
31 December - New Year's Eve